An initial set up is probably based on a number of mobile phones and possibly a single landline. In many cases there can be some integration to forward calls from one to the other. They probably have separate voicemail services and almost certainly they have to be managed individually.
If there is no office location, there are companies that offer “reception desk” style services that can provide a more coherent contact point during office hours.
If there is an office location it is now possible to use technology called “Voice Over IP” (VOIP). This requires an Internet connection but not necessarily a telephone line. You can purchase VOIP telephones and then you can configure everything you need to manage your telephone calls. You can arrange group pickup, voicemail and mobile phone integration very easily.
The questions that you need to answer will include:
- How many people in the office?
- How many calls per day (incoming and outgoing)?
- What type of Internet connection do you have?
- Who provides your telephone number?
- What else do you use computers for in the office?