EAS (J G Kelley (Fleetwood) Ltd) is a company providing Electrical Engineering Services to both the Domestic and Corporate sectors. Up until 2020 their operation was relatively small and the technology they used to support the business reflected that. In 2020, they began to expand their operation both in terms of the number of people they employed and the scale of business they were winning.
The business was served by an unreliable, low-end broadband connection into an office where 2 – 3 people used a number of fixed workstations on a basic network. Telephone communication was provided based on a single line to a single handset. The office was being reconfigured to accommodate up to 6 people, the volume of telephone calls grew and the need to share information also increased.
The unreliable broadband connection meant that work in the office could be interrupted at any time. The low bandwidth also meant that it was impossible to consider that link as a way to improve the telephone handling and it also meant that data sharing was not as easy as it should be.
EAS needed help in procuring a better Internet connection, a sophisticated telephone system, computing that would allow flexible working, data sharing with minimal technology in the office and maximum security. Once in place they also needed someone to keep it running smoothly. In 2020, EAS approached Anna Valley IT Services and as a result they now have the reliable technology they need for their growing business.
“The Anna Valley IT Services team monitor our infrastructure and they make sure technology does not restrict our business in any way. They react quickly and resolve any issues that do arise and are always ready with advice and guidance when it is needed.”
Sam Buschini, Managing Director, EAS